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Illustrations and Reconstruction

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Field Journal Backgrounds

For the past week I have been unpacking and moving around different leps to make available some Riker boxes for specie-specific displays....

Beginnings of a Jaguar

For the past few days I have been drawing a Jaguar for Cloudbridge Nature Reserve. I have yet to finish the fine details of the jaguar...

Cloudbridge Illustrations

For a part of my senior project I am working with Cloudbridge Nature Reserve drawing local animals found at Cerro Chirripo. So far I have...

Blacknose Dace and Tessellated Darter

Funnily enough, most of my fish seem to have cream-yellow swaths of color on them. From my original draft of the Tessellated Darter I...

Northern Clearwater Crayfish

Today I worked on refining the virile crayfish and drawing the Northern Clearwater Crayfish for the main tank. I have noticed that the...

A Hellgrammite and Crayfish

Yesterday I finished coloring in and outlining my Hellgrammite drawing. When I was coloring in the crayfish and beginning to outline it I...

April 27: Learning Krita

Today I worked on matching the colors from my source image for the minnow to colors to the digital range of colors offered on Krita. My...

First Time Using Krita

Today was pretty challenging for me as I am unfamiliar with digital art. I have never used Krita before so I found that getting used to...

Waiting to be digitized

These are my final outlines of the species drawn on paper soon to be scanned onto my computer where they will become colorful aquatic...

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