For the past two days, I have been working on sketching and observing identifying features for the species in the main tank. My sketches of the creatures are aimed to highlight features of each species that will show up in the final illustration. Whether those details are color, lines or spots, my goal with the preliminary sketches was to point out what makes the animal different from other animals. These sketches are a map for the final illustration.
At this point in my process, the drawings are quite detailed but I plan to simplify them as I continue sketching them out. In preparation for simplifying I have noted the color of the outline that I would like to use when I convert the images to a digital form. Both Crayfish and the Bluntnose Minnow will have lighter outlines and the Hellgramite and Mussel will have black outlines. I decided to draw a picture of an Eastern Elliptio mussel as it was photographed at the nature center.